Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This Is What We're All Thinking.

But why are you in a library when you have a job and a paycheck already?
The sad thing is that my 8-y-o sister asked if I was in the School of Arts and Crafts.
"Arts and Crafts" sounds more catchy than "Arts and Sciences".

This Is What We're All Thinking.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I find your lack of knowledge disturbing.

"This observation is somewhat disturbing."

I find your lack of knowledge disturbing, Dr. Zumdahl.
Taken from page 521 of Chemical Principles by Zumdahl, 4th Ed. because two other people had already taken the 5th and 6th editions from the library :(

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just sayin'.

...after we're drunk at that party!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Free Diagnosis!

Why yes, you'll get a free diagnosis if you write on the study carrels. Thank you, med students!

Friday, March 4, 2011

So True.

A Desperate Plea.

PIE-314 is always in the library, so PIE-314 decided to go to a party today. After walking around campus for 30 minutes, PIE-314 realised that there are no frat/big parties today, even though it is a Thursday. Well, it's the day before break.
Man, being at the library 24/7 [okay, more like 12+/7] does suck sometimes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011